
       A long-haired version of the Siamese Cat, closely related to the Balinese Cat. It has an elegant, angular, elongated body, a wedge-shaped head, large ears and blue eyes, which are all typically Siamese. The Javanese only differs from the Siamese in the possession of a long, silky coat. And it only differes from the Balinese in the colors of that coat.
      The definition of the Javanese is confusing, to say the least. The name has different meanings in different regions:
1. In the US, long-haired Siamese Cats are called Balinese if they show one of the four basic Siamese colorpoint patterns (Seal, Chocolate, Blue , or Lilac) and Javanese if they show any other color pattern.
2. In New Zealand, long-haired Siamese Cats are called Balinese if they show any colourpoint pattern, and Javanese if they have spotted or self-colored coats.
3. In Britain, long-haired Oriental cats, originally bred to recreate the Angora, are now known as Javanese.
      Javanese Cat has nothing to do with Java, and its name is just an exotic-sounding Oriental name.
     Character: As for Siamese.
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