Siberian Forest Cat

Siberian Forest Cat is an ancient long-haired breed now believed to have been ancestral to all modern long-haired cats including both the Angora and the Persian.
It is a strongly built, long-bodied cat with broad, round head and powerful legs. The long fur has s dense, heavy under-coat. There is thick ruff and a bushy tail. In many respects it is similar to the Norwegian Forest Cat, to which it is no doubt closely related.
The typical coloring is tabby, usually with white ruff and white paws, but now many new colors are being developed. The Nevskiy Masquerade Cat is the colorpoint type of the Siberian.
It is characterized as shrewd, docile, lively, shy, rugged, affectionate, devoted, gentle, relaxed and active, vocally quiet, like the Persians.
Color forms: The typical coloring is tabby, usually with a white ruff and white paws, but now that Russian breeders are taking interest in it, many new colors are being developed.
If you'd like to read a tale about one Siberian, click here.

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